

Cleaning Tips for Your Home During Coronavirus Pandemic

Cleaning Tips for Your Home During Coronavirus Pandemic,

With the majority of the United States hunkering down to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, experts are warning of germs that can still make their way inside our homes. Just because we’re home, it doesn’t mean we’re invincible to these germs. The virus can last for several hours on different types of surfaces.

coronavirus tipps:

While it may seem like a lot of different areas that you have to clean, the CDC recommends cleaning and disinfecting high-touch areas like door knobs, light switches, tables and towels – first. Instead of just focusing on cleaning or removing germs with soap and water, experts say you should clean first, and then disinfect the areas using chemicals to make sure those germs are fully killed.

What happens if all the supplies are sold out at the store? Well, here’s what they say you should do.

"A lot of times peroxide and alcohol are some of the basis of most of the products, like Lysol, that you're going to find kill 80 to 90% of all household germs. Just using peroxide or alcohol and putting it on a cotton ball or an old rag that is clean in your house can get the job done,” Christopher Alston, from Bright and Clear Inc., explained.

coronavirus tipps:

You should be cleaning and disinfecting your home at least three times a week during this time, and if someone in your house is sick, then it has to be done every day.

coronavirus tipps:


Help stop coronavirus

  1. HANDSWash them often
  2. ELBOWCough into it
  3. FACEDon't touch it
  4. SPACEKeep safe distance
  5. HOMEStay if you can


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